As the foyer began to fill, last Thursday night for the Soul Sister’s meeting, everyone was met with a choice of an iced pumpkin spice beverage or coffee. A gift bag with a vial of scented hand sanitizer, a pack of tissues (which were desperately needed), and lip balm were handed out to everyone. The last free ‘give away’ tickets for the January conference went to seven lucky sisters. After the service, there were tables set for willing volunteers to ‘adopt’ people from Teen Challenge or Almost Home (nursing home). If you would like more information on how you can help, please contact Jane Willis janewillis81@yahoo.com or info@christchurchofoakdale.com.
Before the speaker came up to minister, Tori Willis asked volunteers to stand and briefly talk about something they are thankful for. Ten women gave beautiful testimonies of a glimpse into their past, and how grateful they are for the victorious life of freedom they now live. They all gave thanks for the way God works in their lives and how they could not have made it without the extraordinary love and support of their Christ Church Family.
Stacie Comeaux was the main speaker of the night and oh, what a word she gave! Stacie used a table and chairs with a complete table setting on the platform, for a visual cue as she talked about the importance of getting everyone to the table – not just the ones we are close too or get along with, but those that need love and support, whether it is friends, family member, the homeless or needy. She also used a mirror, hung around her neck, as she talked on some very heavy and soul-digging points: “How does the way I treat people cause them to feel about themselves? Do I help them to feel worthy and loved or do they feel unworthy or rejected?”
As the service came to a close, there was not a dry eye in the place! Our Pastor’s wife, Jane Willis, gave a word on reaching out to others as the holidays are fast approaching.
The presence of the Lord was so over-whelming; there was a ‘holy hush’ in the room. The Holy Spirit moved on everyone to do some serious soul searching and to let go of grudges and offer forgiveness. The atmosphere was saturated with love and sweet, sweet peace that comes from God alone.
So Sister, If you have never been in a place of intimacy with Jesus... if you have never been around other women that only want to lift you up instead of tear you down... if you’ve never experienced amazing grace in people that will always love you and always have your back... we hope you will come and see for yourself. You are loved. You are wanted. You are very special in the eyes of the Lord.
Dear Soul Sister, you have an open invitation!