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Kid's Revolution

Well, if you were able to make it out to Christ Church at all this weekend, you got to see a magnificent show! The 4th Annual Kid's Revolution kicked off Friday night, under the big top with music, dancing, games, a couple of clowns and several exotic animals of the circus, including one particularly unsettled unicorn that just could not stop running. Thank goodness for the nearly 150 children that were keeping watch to see just where that sneaky unicorn would pop up next!

The Children's Ministry team of Christ Church, along with a host of helpers and volunteers, put together a marvelous - themed production of the infamous musical, "The Greatest Showman"...except for this spin of the story, God was the Ringmaster and it was He who had the greatest show. Included in the Word that came forth, were lessons taught about how we should not play with fire, and skits portraying the stories of Sampson - and David in the den of lions. The children also learned a memory verse from Matthew 5:16 - "In the same way, let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." As the saying goes, God showed up and showed out, while children filled the altars each night for prayer. They encountered the presence of the real God, and He faithfully poured His spirit out.

As the production came to an end Sunday afternoon, the fun was definitely not over! There were tables spread with delicious food and treats, and all the grilled burgers and hotdogs you could eat! Of course the children spent a few more hours at the party, playing on the giant inflatables, while beloved friends and family had a momentous time of fellowship. It was a beautiful day that will remain in our hearts and minds for months to come, as we eagerly await what 'ere the next Revolution shall bring!!

If you are just passing through,or looking for a church home, we want you to know that you have a standing invitation to doors that are always open to "whosoever will". We don't care where you've been. We care where you are going, and we'd love for you to journey with us!


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Christ Church Oakdale, LA

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