Klint & Kisha Kimsey
Married: 13.5 years
Children - Kanyon & Kross
Residence: Oakdale
Favorite hobbies:
We both love spending time with family & friends, hunting/fishing, cooking, camping.
Kisha - I love praise-dancing for Jesus, coloring, & baking.
Klint - You could say I love being a prankster.
Favorite food - crawfish, BBQ, Mexican
Name something on your bucket lists
We would love to visit Israel and & go back to New York during Christmas. And of course, we gotta take the kids to Disney World.
Favorite songs?
Who You Say I Am & Reckless Love
How long have you been members of Christ Church?
We've been here for 10.5 years and being around so long has enabled us to be a part of several different areas of ministry. We both just want to have servant's hearts and be used wherever we are needed for the Kingdom of God.
Kisha: I teach Sunday School and work in F.A.I.T.H. ministries. I am also on the Praise & Media Teams.
Klint: I am a member of the Media Team and I work in the sound room. I also do a lot of work around the church building itself, since I am an Electrician/handyman.
What do you love about Christ church?
We love that there is such a diverse group of people from all different walks of life that attend. We feel so much love from our church family and we know, first hand, how that same love is extended to the lost. We know that our pastor is a true man of God and he preaches the Word without compromise or apology. It is a vibrant, living, and growing church that continuously gives birth to new souls. Our Worship Team is the most amazing, anointed and talented group of artists I have ever heard. We're growing spiritually and something amazing happens every service. There is just no other place we would rather be than at Christ Church. There is so much freedom to worship and you have the liberty to praise like nobody is watching. I always say “a church alive is worth the drive”.
Favorite Scripture?
Kisha: Psalms 18:2
Klint: Psalms 23
Kisha: I gotta testify!
I understand the emptiness you feel when taking pregency test after test only to see that “one” line or test to read “not pregnant”. They talk about the positive. The prayers. The smiles. The tears. But what they don’t talk about is... the hundredth dollar spent just to see another negative. The hope that just keeps being ripped away.
The grief that comes in waves that rips you apart. They just keep saying... “relax! It’ll happen!” Or “it’s all God’s plan.” Worse feeling in the world. I recall thinking, “God must hate me” or “guess I wouldn’t be a good mom”. I suffered in silence for years. I finally stopped going to baby showers because the pain was too much. Everyone around me was having babies and I was happy for them but devastated inside. Longing to become a mom and feel a human growing inside of me was my deepest desire.
After 10 LONG years of trying God blessed my womb. When doctors told me I would never have children, MY GOD blessed us...TWICE! It’s in His perfect timing. God knows the desire of your heart. It will only come through Him. Keep your mind and heart open. ♥️🙌🏽.
I lived by this verse ⬇️⬇️⬇️🙌🏽 I would say it over and over everyday all throughout the day. I had it posted in my bathroom and car and at work. After I turned my life over to God and fully surrendered to HIS will I believed and knew God was going to bless my womb I just didn’t know when. God is faithful.
“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.”
1 Samuel 1:27 ESV
If this is you too, I pray for you. I cry with you. I was you. I am here for you. ❤️🙏🏽